NGO’s are bodies which function free from the control of governmental control. These are said to be nonprofit governmental bodies which work for the welfare of societies. They act as a mediator between society and government. When some issues are not solved or reached to the government NGO’s play an important role in conveying these issues and some issues which are intentionally looked down by the government then these NGO’s look after those issues. Here those people participate who want to make the world a better place for every individual who is suffering.
In today’s time, NGO’s are playing a significant role because many times we can see that state or the governmental bodies fail to function justly. It doesn’t take any financial help from the government some work on there on and some take finance from those who are willing to do good for society. These NGO’s work on there on terms and principles.

In this organization, anyone can take membership and become its member. They can take membership by their own will and quit whenever they want to. But Edwin Masihi says that it isn’t always free for everyone at times on demand people are enrolled.
These NGO’s set their own rules and eligibility terms for people to be a member. People who reach to these points get the membership and with already present members approval. That is why they are said to be voluntary functioning bodies.
NGO’s History in India:
NGO’s have a very unique and vast past history in India. In earlier times people of India have seen to provide help and render their help to others in difficult times. People of India are believed to help each and everyone in need and with their, on the wish, they provide this help. In past people who firmly followed religion were active in these services. As they believed if they help people in need then God would reward them and wash away their sins. They felt they achieved a sense of peace and would die peacefully if they helped one another. Many rulers also started the charity and serving human lives as they believed God would give them more and would shower his blessing upon them.
People who were affected by volcanic eruptions, flood, earthquake or any kind of disastrous calamities motivated those who were not affected by it to help these suffering people and render their services to them. In past people were not selfish and had we feeling that helped in building up the community life. They all were supportive and didn’t actually cared for their wealth and utilized this wealth and physical strength to provide service.
Somewhere in 18th and 19th-century people started forming many organizations and associations and these bodies were formed for those people who wanted to give their service in more organized and structured manner. This help and support system was quick and self-wished activity.
One of the examples of organized and voluntarily done activity was the reform movement on the 19th century. Where many movements were carried out for the betterment of society and to fight against social evil activities like child marriage, untouchability, Sati, caste system and much more.
The body of these organization was self-governed and was far away from any social evil no caste system, nothing! They purely worked for the benefit of society irrespective of caste, creed, religion, sex etc. In early 20th century, many people were seen as a face of “Servant of India”.
Gandhi ji while fighting against British rule also wanted to fight against the social evils that were prevailing in Indian society to provide people a nation which was free from all injustices. He participated in many movements to fight back these evils like caste system, land lords, child marriage etc.
Many NGO’s inspired by Gandhian ideologies were open in Gujarat and many other states such as Eklavya, Disha, Sewa etc. These organizations were especially established to get rid of these practices.
After India achieved independence from British rule several NGO’s were established and the growth of NGO’s was witnessed. People also started to recognize their basic rights such as freedom of speech, equality, and brotherhood, the educational importance for all etc. The government also launched many schemes and made great efforts to develop India. Revolutions like Green revolution and Community Development programs were launched.
There are more than millions of NGO’s which are initially seeking economic benefits through there activities. The schemes which were produced are proven to be unsuccessful instead they have increased the economic gap between people and not able to provide at least basic requirements.
After independence all the processes like urbanization, industrialization, politicization, modernization, democratization has increased. All these processes have made people more alert and worries about the inequalities which they might cause such as gender inequality, economic inequalities, social inequalities which are prevailing from the inception such as caste, child labour, child marriage, restrictions for windows etc.
Processes of Industrialization and urbanization has led to the migration of people from rural to urban in search of better life. This led to the urbanization of cities which have caused slums, unemployment in urban areas and imbalance of labor in the rural area, overutilization of natural resources, pollution etc.
There are many other crucial problems which are caused due to consumerism and overutilization in nature of developments. Many underdeveloped and cities of the world are facing the horrifying problem of garbage disposal.
Therefore, it requires people to help themselves by contributing in the welfare of society or by seeking help from the government. That is why thousands of NGO’s are established to make society a better place and contribute to the development of society as a whole. Therefore, NGO’s are said to be significant in today’s world.
Therefore, there are some NGO’s which have specific target group which helps these groups to develop and make them aware of the ongoing struggle they are facing. For instance, women, children, widows, acid victim, agricultural labors many more groups are selected by NGO’s and help these groups to fight against the struggles.
NGO’s as an organization are progression really quickly and are gaining popularization in the world. It also shows that these organizations gain importance when government or state fail to meet people’s demand, social welfare and social integration of society. They are seen in the development of citizens in civil society.
Role of NGO’s:
NGO’s play a significant role in bringing social change in society and development of society. In different parts of the world, it has proven that these organizations have many sides. To be a member of it people need to be educated, enthusiastic and inspired.
Now we shall discuss the roles of NGO’s:
- The organization i.e. NGO’s help educates those section of society which was left behind in the society since its inception and never enjoyed benefits that government has facilitated them with. Such as women’s education, STs, and SCs.
- NGO’s have given and are still giving their best in eliminating the gender inequality which has also been a practice since earlier times. Girls face many problems no right to education, forcefully making them marry, not letting them work outside the houses. Therefore, NGO’s try to eliminate this evil ideology of some societies.
- NGO’s Are the reason why women are not able to move out of the four walls of the houses and participate in politics, business, social women have witnessed a whole new world due to the efforts of NGO’s and academic institutions. We have seen increasement in the number of women workers. There are many foundations such as Agrani foundation, Eklavya, Sewa and Environmental Action Group etc. Day by day women are seeing new opportunities for themselves due to the help of NGO’s.
- The use of technology, level of production, a pattern of utilization is almost same all over the world whereas the world is destroying natural resources to achieve their goals and selfish reasons. That is why NGO’s take birth to keep eyes on such activities. There have been many health issues due to the overutilization of natural resources causing pollution which later cause health problems and calamities. In this case, NGO’s deserve an appreciation as they have done a lot to work for such causes.
- It’s not just that because of developmental processes environment has been affected but it also has moved people from their place of origin or birth not just that they are no even compensated and given other place to live. They are left homeless. Hence NGO’s play a significant role to provide them shelter and look after all the legal processes. Many projects are taking place such as the construction of houses, roadways, dams etc and compensate these people.
- NGO’s one of the most important task would be that they are helping and restoring the dignity of those who always have been ignored and never enjoyed those activities which other people did such as women facing gender inequality, untouchables discrimination, racial, religious discrimination in society.
These NGO’s are working on a national and international level and have gained great importance in the development of society.
It helps in maintaining a society which is free from all the biases and social evils. It is setting an example of humanity is still alive. They help in spreading awareness and guiding and pressurizing government when they fail to meet their duties.
Hello, I am Samreen Sagheer pursuing Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity. I am an aspiring writer, ready to give my best. I like to keep things simple and straightforward just like my personality.