It’s too late to learn something new.

  • Meet the Professor: Dr. Stephanie Wilson, Sociologist, Educator, and Co-founder of Applied Worldwide

     Stephanie: Sociologist, Creator, Researcher 2. As a co-founder of Applied Worldwide, could you briefly explain the organization’s mission? Stephanie: Our mission is to build a bridge between the discipline of sociology and everyday life to improve the well-being of society. As a sociologist, I see endless ways that sociological knowledge could benefit society, but our…

  • My Journey to Understand and Fight Against Unfair Treatment of People with Disabilities

    My journey to earning a B.S. in Sociology and gaining an education in social justice has been nothing short of enlightening, in both positive and negative ways. As I enter my final semester before graduation, I find myself looking back on my postsecondary education as a mixed blessing. When I first enrolled in the sociology…


    The purpose of comparative method in social anthropology is to study varieties of form of social life and to understand human social phenomena. Franz Boas delineated two methods in the study of anthropology. First, was to reconstruct the history which means to understand the past and reconstructing theories in present. Second, was comparison of social…

  • Interview with Assistant Professor Katie Durante, University of Utah, Department of Sociology

    1. If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be? Integrity, light-hearted, responsible 2. Can you discuss some of your key findings regarding racial and ethnic inequality in the criminal legal system and how it has evolved over the years? One of the areas of research I focus on is racial…

  • Interview with Dr. Christina Jackson: Insights into Sociology, Activism, and the Journey Ahead

    Short Bio: Dr. Christina Jackson, an Associate Professor of Sociology at Stockton University, specializes in urban sociology, social welfare, and inequality from sociological and public health perspectives. Beyond academia, she’s an engaged scholar-activist, facilitating and consulting with community partners and creative groups on topics like anti-violence, gentrification, housing, food justice, and racial justice. She’s co-authored…

  • How To Apply Sociology In Everyday Life: Explained Real Examples

    Sociology is the study of society through many theoretical perspectives. The most important lesson of sociology is that society is not an external object to be studied. Instead, all of us are active members of society and constantly influence it. Thus, sociology can be applied in everyday life by all members of society. This article…

  • What Is the Meaning of Globalization in Sociology?

    Globalization as a process has been quite significant which can be seen as trying to bring closer the regions which were never close before. It is an ongoing process involving the ever-increasing integration in economic, cultural, social and political spheres between nations, states, and even small isolated regions. It is the exchange of cultural values,…

  • What is Goffman’s dramaturgical theory ( Impression Management)?

    Dramaturgical perspective was introduced in sociology in 1959 by Erving Goffman in his book ‘The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life’. Erving Goffman studied the interactions that take place in society at the micro-level. He took this perspective from theatre, he uses theatre as a metaphor to represent how people behave in society and represent…

  • Explanation: what does ‘intersectionality’ mean?

    Intersectionality: There are various forms of social stratification in the society, such as race, class, gender, sexuality, etc. they lead to the creation of inequality in the society by the differential treatment of individuals. We are often used to studying these forms of stratification separately to understand how people are treated in different ways. We…

  • Short Notes on Race and ethnicity and Examples

    Race and ethnicity have been used interchangeably in the past, however the need to define the two has been recognized, in doing so, race has been recognized as the biological segregation of people, based on their skin color and ethnicity has been recognized more in terms of their culture. Ethnicity as a concept is separate…

  • What is heterosexism? Write a Short Note and Examples

    Heterosexism is the belief that heterosexuality is the normal social sexual orientation against homosexuality which then leads to discrimination and prejudice against the homosexuals. Homosexuality can be understood as the quality of being attracted solely to people who are of one’s own sex while heterosexuality is the quality of being attracted solely to people of…

  • What is institutionalization in sociology?

    The process by which beliefs, norms, social roles, values, or certain modes of behaviour are embedded in an organisation, a social system, or a society as a whole is called institutionalization. These concepts are said to be institutionalized when they are sanctioned and internalised within a group or a society. Through institutionalization, rules and procedures…

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