Meet the Professor: Dr. Stephanie Wilson, Sociologist, Educator, and Co-founder of Applied Worldwide
Stephanie: Sociologist, Creator, Researcher 2. As a co-founder of Applied Worldwide, could you briefly explain the organization’s mission? Stephanie: Our mission is to build a bridge between the discipline of sociology and everyday life to improve the well-being of society. As a sociologist, I see endless ways that sociological knowledge could benefit society, but our…
The purpose of comparative method in social anthropology is to study varieties of form of social life and to understand human social phenomena. Franz Boas delineated two methods in the study of anthropology. First, was to reconstruct the history which means to understand the past and reconstructing theories in present. Second, was comparison of social…
Interview with Assistant Professor Katie Durante, University of Utah, Department of Sociology
1. If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be? Integrity, light-hearted, responsible 2. Can you discuss some of your key findings regarding racial and ethnic inequality in the criminal legal system and how it has evolved over the years? One of the areas of research I focus on is racial…
Interview with Dr. Christina Jackson: Insights into Sociology, Activism, and the Journey Ahead
Short Bio: Dr. Christina Jackson, an Associate Professor of Sociology at Stockton University, specializes in urban sociology, social welfare, and inequality from sociological and public health perspectives. Beyond academia, she’s an engaged scholar-activist, facilitating and consulting with community partners and creative groups on topics like anti-violence, gentrification, housing, food justice, and racial justice. She’s co-authored…
How To Apply Sociology In Everyday Life: Explained Real Examples
Sociology is the study of society through many theoretical perspectives. The most important lesson of sociology is that society is not an external object to be studied. Instead, all of us are active members of society and constantly influence it. Thus, sociology can be applied in everyday life by all members of society. This article…
Read this article to know about 8 important books which are very useful for UPSC Aspirants! 1.Minimum Age for IAS Officers: WHAT SHOULD BE THE MINIMUM AGE FOR IAS OFFICERS? This book was written by Sunil Patel and He Questions, Is only 10-15 years reading academic books make them eligible for lifting the biggest responsibilities?…
A Short Note on Opportunity structures with Examples
In every society there are some groups that will be more privileged than the others, this results in the fact that some will automatically have better access to resources than the others. This results in what Richard A Cloward and Llyod B. Ohlin have called the opportunity structure. They gave this theory in their book…
A Short Note on Idiographic and Nomothetic approach with Examples
Idiographic and Nomothetic approach: A subject like sociology requires intense research to be done in order to fin put trends, to be able to compare societies and form case studies for the same. There are various types of studies such as ethnographies- these are extensive field studies that are conducted by researchers to understand and…
What is a master status in sociology? What are some examples?
In Sociology, Master status is the social position which is the primary identifying characteristic of an individual. As a part of the society, we have many statuses attached to us, these may be acquired/ achieved- such as education, economic status, one’s occupational status-or it may be ascribed, something given to us by birth- ethnicity, race,…
A Short Note on Scapegoat Theory/ Scapegoating and Examples
Scapegoating is a social and psychological process by which one shift blame on others, who he may find vulnerable, for his/her problems, failures, misdeeds. The origin of this theory can be found with reference to the bible where the ‘goat’ – an animal- is burdened with all the sins of the human race and is…