Meet the Professor: Dr. Stephanie Wilson, Sociologist, Educator, and Co-founder of Applied Worldwide
Stephanie: Sociologist, Creator, Researcher 2. As a co-founder of Applied Worldwide, could you briefly explain the organization’s mission? Stephanie: Our mission is to build a bridge between the discipline of sociology and everyday life to improve the well-being of society. As a sociologist, I see endless ways that sociological knowledge could benefit society, but our…
The purpose of comparative method in social anthropology is to study varieties of form of social life and to understand human social phenomena. Franz Boas delineated two methods in the study of anthropology. First, was to reconstruct the history which means to understand the past and reconstructing theories in present. Second, was comparison of social…
Interview with Assistant Professor Katie Durante, University of Utah, Department of Sociology
1. If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be? Integrity, light-hearted, responsible 2. Can you discuss some of your key findings regarding racial and ethnic inequality in the criminal legal system and how it has evolved over the years? One of the areas of research I focus on is racial…
Interview with Dr. Christina Jackson: Insights into Sociology, Activism, and the Journey Ahead
Short Bio: Dr. Christina Jackson, an Associate Professor of Sociology at Stockton University, specializes in urban sociology, social welfare, and inequality from sociological and public health perspectives. Beyond academia, she’s an engaged scholar-activist, facilitating and consulting with community partners and creative groups on topics like anti-violence, gentrification, housing, food justice, and racial justice. She’s co-authored…
How To Apply Sociology In Everyday Life: Explained Real Examples
Sociology is the study of society through many theoretical perspectives. The most important lesson of sociology is that society is not an external object to be studied. Instead, all of us are active members of society and constantly influence it. Thus, sociology can be applied in everyday life by all members of society. This article…
What is Total Design Method in Survey Methods
Dillman says that both mail and telephone surveys are considered as the “stepchildren” of survey research and not as valuable as interview studies. He formulated something called the “Total Design Method” which enables the mail and telephonic surveys to achieve their full potential. There are two parts to the TDM; they are (a) a theoretical…
Introduction to Sociology Statistics, Examples and Overview
The Introduction: The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term “statistics” as “a branch of mathematics which deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data.” The definition is very apt in what needs to be conveyed. The field of mathematics has a very strong influence on the statistical analysis of data. It…
What is Projective Method in Research
PROJECTIVE METHOD: This is the method of data gathering through doll play, picture interpretation or sentence completion, which can be used with both children and adults. It is used as a means to draw out the respondent’s inner feelings when a direct question is inappropriate or when the true purpose of the study cannot be…
Advantages and Disadvantages of Interview in Research
Approaching the Respondent- according to the Interviewer’s Manual, the introductory tasks of the interviewer are: tell the interviewer is and whom he or she represents; telling him about what the study is, in a way to stimulate his interest. The interviewer has also ensured at this stage that his answers are confidential; tell the respondent…
A Brief Overview: Bhagidari Scheme and Bhagidari Utsav
The Bhagidari Scheme: This is a citizen-government partnership program sponsored by the Delhi government to ensure the participation of the citizens in governance, which is the true essence of democracy. The Bhandari workshops are organized to bring together the government officials, bureaucrats, police officials as well as citizen groups. This scheme has been designed based…
A Complete Information about Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple, Delhi
A brief history of the Akshardham Temple at Delhi: The Akshardham Temple complex (also known as AT complex) was constructed by the Bochasanwari Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) in the year 2005. The BAPS is a subgroup of the Swaminarayan movement lead by Bhagwan Swaminarayan as a part of the Bhakti traditions. Swaminarayan, having…