It’s too late to learn something new.

  • Meet the Professor: Dr. Stephanie Wilson, Sociologist, Educator, and Co-founder of Applied Worldwide

     Stephanie: Sociologist, Creator, Researcher 2. As a co-founder of Applied Worldwide, could you briefly explain the organization’s mission? Stephanie: Our mission is to build a bridge between the discipline of sociology and everyday life to improve the well-being of society. As a sociologist, I see endless ways that sociological knowledge could benefit society, but our…

  • My Journey to Understand and Fight Against Unfair Treatment of People with Disabilities

    My journey to earning a B.S. in Sociology and gaining an education in social justice has been nothing short of enlightening, in both positive and negative ways. As I enter my final semester before graduation, I find myself looking back on my postsecondary education as a mixed blessing. When I first enrolled in the sociology…


    The purpose of comparative method in social anthropology is to study varieties of form of social life and to understand human social phenomena. Franz Boas delineated two methods in the study of anthropology. First, was to reconstruct the history which means to understand the past and reconstructing theories in present. Second, was comparison of social…

  • Interview with Assistant Professor Katie Durante, University of Utah, Department of Sociology

    1. If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be? Integrity, light-hearted, responsible 2. Can you discuss some of your key findings regarding racial and ethnic inequality in the criminal legal system and how it has evolved over the years? One of the areas of research I focus on is racial…

  • Interview with Dr. Christina Jackson: Insights into Sociology, Activism, and the Journey Ahead

    Short Bio: Dr. Christina Jackson, an Associate Professor of Sociology at Stockton University, specializes in urban sociology, social welfare, and inequality from sociological and public health perspectives. Beyond academia, she’s an engaged scholar-activist, facilitating and consulting with community partners and creative groups on topics like anti-violence, gentrification, housing, food justice, and racial justice. She’s co-authored…

  • How To Apply Sociology In Everyday Life: Explained Real Examples

    Sociology is the study of society through many theoretical perspectives. The most important lesson of sociology is that society is not an external object to be studied. Instead, all of us are active members of society and constantly influence it. Thus, sociology can be applied in everyday life by all members of society. This article…

  • Sociological Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

    Research methods and analysis of sociology dealt with techniques to obtain information in a vivid form. Research is carefully observing patterns for searching for new facts or terms in any kind of subject. For example, there are several research centers for obtaining new results for better performance, say Bhabha Atomic Research center which specializes in…

  • Sampling: Meaning, Types, Factors Affects, and Procedure

    Sampling is studied in the probability section of mathematics. Likewise in the research method sampling plays an important role. It is clearly evident that not whole population can be involved in any observation. Thus according to the demand and process involved, a certain amount of people are taken and it is called sampling. W.G Cochran…

  • Das Kapital by Karl Marx – Summary and Analysis

    Das Kapital was the most important work of Karl Marx which included the criticism of political economy. PART 1  COMMODITIES AND MONEY    CH-1 COMMODITIES A commodity is  an object, a thing which is responsible to satisfy human wants, it has its usefulness, and this usefulness creates a use value of that particular material commodity which…

  • Rural women’s Development and Employment Project

    Programmes for Women and their Impact: Rural women’s Development and Employment Project No  country can be considered as developed, if a particular gender-group is preferred with privileges over the other groups: if males are given preferences which are most common in every society, then the development of the country having such societies is tough and…

  • The True Story Behind ‘Why Did Sri Krishna Have 16108 Wives?’

    It is so common among the Hindus to laugh off and crack jokes on the number of wives Sri Krishna had. Do you the real story behind it? It is so pitying that we have never tried to dig deep into the authentic Bhagavata Purana and know the real story of Shri Krishna’s life. We…

  • Protestant ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism : Summary

    Max Weber was a German philosopher. He was deeply influenced by many other sociologists and thinkers such as Karl Marx, Immanuel Kant, etc. The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism was regarded as the most important work of Weber. PART 1 – The Problem Religious Affiliation and Social Stratification    According to Weber, if…

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