It’s too late to learn something new.

  • Indian Media in Service of Capitalism: A Marxist Analysis

    Abstract Popular Marxist ideas plague social theorists in various ways and forms. It is thus not surprising that most of them also seep into the study of mass media and communication through a broad-gauged, anti-capitalist lens. In this essay, I focus exclusively on Indian media and how it acts as a tool that largely sustains…

  • A Dalit Woman’s Dues: Oppression in Inter-Caste Marriages

    Abstract Arguably at the lowest rung of the established social hierarchy, Dalit women are often forced to endure extreme trials and tribulations. Their troubles manifest themself even when they supposedly gain upward social mobility, marrying into a caste that is higher than them. With more educational and socio-economic opportunities than ever before, there has been…

  • Sociology Podcast 101: How to Start? Steps, Ideas, Equipment, Example

    Sociology Podcast 101 In today’s time and era, the mediums for knowledge generation are not limited to text. Multiple pedagogical tools are now emerging in the area of education. One of the most successful examples of this alternative method is the use of an audio-visual medium to teach. With the onset of Covid-19, these mediums…

  • The Gendered Nature of Labour and Leisure

    Women spend two to ten times as much time as men on unpaid care jobs across the world. This unfair and skewed distribution of responsibilities is associated with discriminatory gender roles. “Gender differences in unpaid care work is the missing link in the analysis of gender gaps in labour outcomes, such as labour force participation,…

  • Normalising Commercial Female-centric Films

    Through the analysis of Jyothika’s Jackpot Relevance of female-centric Films  Female-centric films can be understood as films that follow the lives of women. Recently, the term has come to mean a film with a female lead and a heavy, touching message. These movies are important in our society as they portray empowered women who can…

  • Power and Emancipation: Karl Marx and Michel Foucault

    Power is crucial in structuring society. The definition of power, its nature and its impacts on society has been expounded by many social theorists.  This paper evaluates the notion of power and domination as described by two key social theorists, Karl Marx and Michel Foucault. Marx’s and Foucault’s notions of power bear huge differences, probably…

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