It’s too late to learn something new.

  • Write a Short Note on Religious revivalism

    Religious revivalism means the re-awakening of faith in religion in society. Revivalism happened in the 18th century in the west among the methodists. In India, Araya Samaj was a significant revivalist movement. ‘Shuddhi’ was one of its essential promises. However, religious revivalism does not seek to restore the old order. While Arya samaj asks one…

  • Citizenship and Globalization: Short Question and Answers

    (a) Write Short Notes on Citizenship and Globalization Citizenship is defined as the legal status of membership in a state. A modern state provides certain rights to the citizens and expects citizens to perform specific duties. In ‘Citizenship and social class,’ TH Marshall analyzed citizenship development as a development of civil, political, and social rights…

  • “Durkheim was not the first thinker to attempt to make sociology a science.” Critically examine.

    Durkheim is credited with establishing the functionalist school of sociology. Through his work on ‘suicide’’ social facts,’ ‘division of labour’ and ‘religion’ he sought to refute any psychological, biological, or metaphysical explanations for social phenomena. Thus, he sought to establish sociology as a positive science. However, he was not the first to make this endeavour….


    The relationship between history and sociology is closely intertwined. Both inquiries were taken from Philosophy mother of all sciences from which emerged sociology (Philosophy of History) history and other social sciences (Bierstedt, 1970:4). “Sociology is the science which attempts the interpretive understanding of social action in order thereby to arrive at a causal explanation of…

  • How to Sociologically review a Song: Explained with Examples

    As you get trained as a sociologist, you cannot help but look at the world critically. You begin to question things in your everyday life, view things from a fresh lens, and achieve a better understanding of the deep functioning of society. Many things that we do every day play a vital role in forming…

  • How to Make a Sociology PowerPoint Presentation (PPT): Examples

    How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation as a student of Sociology In the theoretical world of sociology filled with texts, presentations bring a breath of fresh air in this discipline. Even though theories cannot be left behind, using PowerPoint presentations as a pedagogical tool introduces a new way to look at theoretical concepts. Through this…

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