Author: Susan Sasson
Sociology of Disability – What you need to know
This article provides an overview of how the study of disability came to be including the ever-evolving field of Sociology of Disability in the United States. It explains the two main perspectives of disability and delves deeper into more nuanced paradigms. Finally, this article takes a closer look at disability rights movements that are relevant…
Current Social Theory: Final Paper Assignment
Growing up in the year 2015 in the United States has changed dramatically compared to only 15 years prior. For instance, the internet is much more prevalent and frequent in today’s American society. Pharmacies, medical facilities, and various offices have all integrated digital technology into their practices. In some ways, this new integration has been…
Sociology 101: Ethnography of public space
I am at a public park in the Midwood neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY, at around 6:00 p.m. Across the street from the side entrance is Edward R. Murrow High School. Most students have gone, but some are sitting on the ground in the parking lot adjacent to the school. Inside the park, there is a…
Sociology of Language: Theories and Examples
Synopsis: This article explores the cultural significance of language in society. The article then discusses language as a form of cultural capital and the ways in which different groups of people experience language, as well as how language influences quality of life. Finally, the article discusses ways in which marginalized communities empower themselves through reclaiming…
Sociology of Money: Explained in Simple Words
Synopsis: This article discusses the traditional economic understanding of money and then expands to the lesser-understood social-cultural dimensions. The article describes market-based economies and some of the societal challenges associated. Through this article, readers are invited to re-think Capitalism as we know it and to challenge the notion that what we have now is our…
Sociology of Love : Theories, Types, Examples, Thoughts
Sociology of Love: This article explores the concept of Love, and explains the different types of Love It looks at love from a sociological lens. It then looks more closely at some of the classical and contemporary social thinkers’ perspectives on Love. The Social-Cultural Dimensions of Love Sociology is generally understood as the study of…
What is meant by Late Capitalism ? Explained with Examples
Synopsis: This article defines Capitalism and more specifically context to Late-Capitalism. It explains the ways the features and some examples in which Late-Capitalism shows up in contemporary society. It touches on some of the consequences that Late-Capitalism has had on individuals, communities and the world. What is Late-Capitalism? The phrase “Late-Capitalism” is a common word…