Author: Tanya S
Mobilizing Against GM Crops: Local and Global Activism in India, South Africa, and Brazil
In order to explore the local and transnational mobilization of the genetically modified (GM) crops, we refer to the three countries such as India, Brazil, and South Africa. The genetically modified crops were introduced in India in 1990, later in 1995 transgenic materials were imported to India. The Bt cotton crops were one of them…
The purpose of comparative method in social anthropology is to study varieties of form of social life and to understand human social phenomena. Franz Boas delineated two methods in the study of anthropology. First, was to reconstruct the history which means to understand the past and reconstructing theories in present. Second, was comparison of social…
Dhurjati Prasad Mukerji was considered as one of the founding fathers of Indian sociology. He had worked intensively on the middle class of Indian society. He had witnessed different phases and changes in the society due to different nationalist movements. He had crucially worked upon middle class character and its role and its position in…
Famous American and British Sociologists – Contributions
British sociology and American sociology both are perpetuated by British and American sociologists and their theories, Both British and American sociologists were different from classical sociologists and were regarded as contemporary modern sociologists who propounded many sociological theories. Famous American sociologists Talcott Parsons and Robert k Merton Talcott Parsons contributed to the theory of action….
Max Weber – Methodology, Social Action, Ideal Types
MAX WEBER: THE THEORY OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ORGANISATION The fundamental concepts of sociology: A concept can be different from reality. It can formulate with what exactly is empirical sociology. DEFINITIONS OF SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL ACTION Sociology is defined as a science which gives us the interpretive understanding of social action in order to…
Protestant ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism : Summary
Max Weber was a German philosopher. He was deeply influenced by many other sociologists and thinkers such as Karl Marx, Immanuel Kant, etc. The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism was regarded as the most important work of Weber. PART 1 – The Problem Religious Affiliation and Social Stratification According to Weber, if…