Congratulations, AnneMarie Mazotti Gouveia, on the incredible success of Brave Falls! Following the triumph of Drifters Realm and Mirror Tree, this third book in the series has once again captured readers’ hearts with its magical world, unforgettable characters, and emotional depth. Thank you for joining us to share your thoughts about this exciting new chapter in your journey as an author.
1. How does it feel to see the Drifters Realm series grow into such a beloved saga?
It’s such a blessing to have completed the third book in the Drifters Realm series. The most gratifying moments of being an author originate from excited readers who say they can’t wait to read the next book. It’s incredibly heartwarming and motivating knowing that a reader is eagerly anticipating what happens next to a character or upcoming storyline.
2. Your world-building is so vivid and immersive. What’s your secret to making readers feel like they’re right there?
I love writing those descriptive scenes. Before I write them, I close my eyes and slow down my breathing. I visualize myself immersed in the story with the characters by my side and then fully open my senses to the Drifters Realm world around me. And that’s the perspective from which I write those scenes, from the inside of the story in the world I’ve imagined.
3. Were there any moments while writing Brave Falls that surprised you or took the story in an unexpected direction?
Yes, there is a key storyline within Brave Falls that morphed into something completely different than what I originally planned. The storyline I’m referring to is who ultimately is the “bravest one” mentioned in the final line of the ancient prophecy within the story. I’m super excited to hear what readers think when they find out who the “bravest one” actually is and why.
4. The sibling bond between Roe, Ori, and Theo plays a pivotal role in this book. What inspired you to explore these dynamics so deeply?
I’m the youngest of seven children, and the mother of four children. Sibling relationships have played an integral part in my life, being a sibling and parenting siblings. Those relationships can be complicated, touching, painful, and often a source of joy, hope, and strength. I can’t imagine ever writing a story where sibling relationships aren’t at the heart of the story.
5. Drifters Realm’s setting is richly imagined, from the Unforgettable Forest to the Desolation Mountains. Do you draw inspiration from real-world places, or is it all pure imagination?
Every place within Drifters Realm, including the caverns and underground tunnels, originated from a real-world place that I have been to at some point in my life and adapted into the imaginary world of Drifters Realm. Creating and naming these places (e.g., Wandering Plains, Sleeping Giants, Impossible Lake, Great Dismal) was incredibly fun. Each location within the story is based on similar place in the United States or in Europe.
6. What has been the most rewarding feedback you’ve received from readers about Brave Falls or the series as a whole?
My favorite bits of positive feedback are about the tangled and challenging relationships between the characters, especially the siblings, and their interactions with Seth, the Navigator, and Hao, the Chemist. The heart of the story is truly about the teenagers within the story. The magical elements found within their backpacks, ancient rings, Mirror Tree, and Shadow Stones, along with the places they travel to in Drifters Realm bring the story to life. But ultimately the stories are about friendship, family, courage, and hope, as the characters grow and change in unexpected ways.
7. If you could spend a day with one character from the series, who would it be and why?
Theo the Tamer would be my first choice. Hanging out with him and the big cats would be such a blast. I would love to ride on the back of Theo the Lion, leaping and running through a forest under a starlit night with the wind in my face, holding tightly onto his mane. I’ve imagined this so many times while writing the Drifters Realm series, it would be awesome to actually do so.
8. Writer’s block is something many authors face. How do you personally overcome those moments when the words just won’t come?
When I’m blocked, I usually take a long power walk. That seems to clear out the cobwebs in my mind. Most of my writer’s blocks resolve themselves when I’m relaxed. And my thoughts seem to get unstuck literally moments before I fall asleep at night. When I wake up the next day something amazing happens. I find that I can’t type fast enough to get all the new creative thoughts inside my head onto the page in front of me.
9. Rejection is part of every author’s journey. Can you share a moment when you faced rejection and how you turned it into an opportunity for growth?
My first book, Drifters Realm, received an incredibly disparaging review early on. The review was brutal, and heartbreaking. I found myself ill-prepared to get past it initially. People told me to ignore it, that it was just one review. But it was more than that to me. It felt personal because I had poured my heart into writing that book after my parents passed away weeks apart. After a few days of angst, I decided to take what I could from that review and learn from it. I then made a concerted effort to improve my writing, to dig deeper, push myself harder, and grow from it. And the result of that is Mirror Tree which I’m personally proud of.
10. Reader expectations can be both exciting and daunting. How do you balance writing for your audience while staying true to your creative vision?
I’ve received a lot of plot and character ideas from readers. I have incorporated many of these into the series, focusing on the elements that complement and cultivate the storyline or characters and align to the underlying themes of friendship, family, courage, and hope. In doing so, I’m able to balance what readers would like to see added to the series while ultimately staying true to my creative vision. In the end, the book has to feel solid and right to me, and until it does, I’ll keep editing it to make it so.
11. Balancing writing with other life responsibilities can be tough. How do you manage your time effectively?
Managing my time effectively wasn’t easy when I first began writing. In fact, I was pretty bad at it. But it’s become easier with each book I write. I try to be consistent but flexible in deciding how much time I will spend writing on any given day. I know some writers who lock themselves in a room and write for eight hours straight. I can’t do that. I do my best writing when I spend about two to three hours at a time writing and then step away until the next day. Plus, I’m truly a late-night writer, and do my best writing when the house is completely quiet and it’s dark outside. I’m also really good at prioritizing my time, having been a senior executive at a high-tech company for years, time management was a necessary skill to cultivate.
12. What’s next for you as an author? Is there another world or story brewing in your mind?
There certainly are more adventures ahead for Theo, Roe, Ori, and Tora. Readers will discover hints of new realms within the pages of Brave Falls. So yes, there are plans for more stories in other realms where themes of friendship, family, courage, and hope are united with mystery, magic, and the unexpected.
Also Read:
- An interview with AnneMarie Mazotti Gouveia, Author of “Mirror Tree”
- An interview with AnneMarie Mazotti Gouveia, Drifters Realm
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