Category: Book Review
Through Her Eyes by Maheen Mazhar
Since I have been old enough to understand myself, I have always thought too deeply about everything in life. Always found myself questioning standards and the status quo, intrigued about why do we always follow norms that are set for us by society? Culture? Or others? Even in this generation of social media, everyone is…
Think about an urban center. What are those images that strikes our mind first? Restaurants, malls, theatres. Have we ever thought about those, who lives at the sidewalks of city? How do they live in streets? What about their interpersonal relations? How is their social organization? How does they contribute to the society? “Sidewalk“ written…
The Culture of Fear: Book by Barry Glassner – Summary
The culture of fear: Book by Barry Glassner Renowned Sociologist Barry Glassner’s book The Culture Of Fear gives an insight into the unnecessary things people are paranoid about. He explains why Americans are afraid of the wrong things. The book initially published in 1999 has been updated lately and has become more relevant in recent…
John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government – A Summary
In 1689, John Locke, an English philosopher, wrote and published two Treatises of Government. The First Treatise was a rebuttal and response to Robert Filmer’s “Patriarcha”, while the Second Treatise outlines his views and plans or ideas for a better society. Both these works had and continue to have a massive influence on the political…
A History of Western Philosophy – Bertrand Russell ( Summary )
Bertrand Russell’s book provides a comprehensive insight into the history of western philosophy. It is regarded as one of the most significant philosophical works of all time. It is a dazzlingly unique examination of the ideologies of critical philosophers throughout history, from Plato and Aristotle through Kant and the twentieth century. His work is divided…
Essential Sociology Book for UPSC Mains Preparation
“Essential Sociology” Book Review: Sociology is one of the optional subjects that one can take for the Mains Exam of Civil Services Exam. In the list of 26 optional subjects, Sociology remains the most popular choice among the UPSC aspirants. Sociology optional syllabus for the Mains Examination is divided into two- Paper I and Paper-II….