Category: Branches of sociology
Protestant ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism : Summary
Max Weber was a German philosopher. He was deeply influenced by many other sociologists and thinkers such as Karl Marx, Immanuel Kant, etc. The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism was regarded as the most important work of Weber. PART 1 – The Problem Religious Affiliation and Social Stratification According to Weber, if…
Sociology of Law: Origin, Subject Matter and Developments
Synopsis: This article gives a brief overview of the broad subject matter of Sociology of Law. By understanding how the multifaceted sub-discipline varies from the traditional approaches, exploring how sociology can be used in different ways in legal studies, and providing various modern approaches to socio-legal discourses, the article aims to explain how sociology and law…
M.N.Srinivas Biography and Contribution to indian sociology
M.N Srinivas full name Mysore Narasimhachar Srinivas. He was born in 1916 in Mysore and passed away in 1999 in Bangalore. He was one of the best Indian sociologists. He was a Brahmin. His studies are prominent in the area of caste and its other classifications, Sanskritization and many other topics that revolve around caste…
Industrial Sociology: Overview
Industrial Sociology is a relatively young branch of sociology. While Durkheim and Max Weber made some analysis of industrial institutions, industrial sociology as a separate branch got its push due to the famous experiments at Hawthorne Works in Chicago, of the Western Electric Company, conducted by George Elton Mayo and his associates between 1924 and…
Three Sociological Perspectives to Understand Fashion
Sociology of Fashion: To understand fashion as a sociological phenomenon this paper will utilise three different perspectives ranging from micro theory to macro theories to how fashion as a cultural phenomenon has evolved. The former involves a concentration on individual interactions and how fashion is used as a tool that controls the nature of those…
Emergence and Development of Sociology (Notes): Explained
Orgin and Development of Sociology: The study of sociology attempts to provide a scientific analysis of human social life and its wide-ranging characteristics and systems. Human social life is an intricate system organized in multiple and diverse levels of social domains. The rise of sociology can be correlated to the rise of the term ‘modernity;’…