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Category: Civil Services

  • Rule of Bureaucracy in the Indian Structure of Democracy ( Essay )

    In a federal structure like India bureaucracy refers to the system that is run by an indirectly elected body of officials. It covers all the 2000 federal government agencies, divisions, departments & commissions. The three most tangible forms of bureaucracy include the social security administration, the internal revenue service & the veteran benefits organisation. It’s…

  • Does reservation and equality go hand in hand? Essay 1225 Words

    The Reservation System be it for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Background Classes or women in India have been uniquely formed and also the first in its kind. Babasaheb Ambedkar very well noticed how the “depressed class” were on the verge of assimilation and being recognised as Hindus, drawing them further into their own humiliation….

  • Mandatory Paternity Leave: Need of Changing Times

    Recently, Japanese lawmakers enacted a law providing flexibility to new fathers while seeking paternity leave. In India, ever since Captain Virat Kohli informed his decision to take paternity leave, social media stormed with debate and opinions. Increased attention to paternity leave and its benefits is the need of the hour to reduce the social stigma…

  • 10 Famous Leftist Writers From India You Should Know

    Leftist writers: ‘The left’ is a broad term that describes a set of politics and ideologies that advocate egalitarianism or state control of the major institutions of political and economic life (Editors of Encyclopedia, 2020). Historically, the divide between left and right can be traced back to the seating arrangements French National Assembly during the…

  • Vaccine Diplomacy and its Consequences for India

    The world has been going through a very rough and uncertain period since the onset of the COVID-19 disease back in March 2020. With destabilizing economies, increasing and worrying levels of unemployment in the population and now millions of people dying due to lack of oxygen it is one of the biggest health emergencies we…

  • Sexual Violence and Caste System: Attacks on Dalit Women

    The caste system in India is the basis for the hierarchical division of society and the elements of it facilitate inequality. Attempts have been made to define the institution but due to its variance in society, a concrete definition is yet to be reached. M.N. Srinivas describes the caste system as “a hereditary, usually localised…

  • Why Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar Needs to be Recognised as the True Father of the Nation

    In India, it is almost impossible to imagine one not having heard the name of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He, who is widely regarded as the ‘father of the nation’ in India had been elevated to the title of a ‘Mahatma’ or a ‘great soul’. Having followed the path of non-violence and Satyagraha, he was recognised…