Category: Civil Services
Communitarianism: Definitions, History, Features, Communitarians
What is Communitarianism? Communitarianism is a socio-political belief that arose in the 20th century which goes on to elaborate that the needs of the community outweigh the needs of the individual. The belief system, norms, and rules of society has to take precedence over the individualistic needs. The concept of communitarianism is starkly in contrast…
Sociological Theories of Religion: Durkheim, Weber, and Marx
Abstract Religion can be perceived as a system of beliefs that adds meaning to our existence. In simpler terms, religion is a cultural system consisting of moral beliefs, values, myths, and rituals that are present in every society in one form or another. Understanding religion is quite challenging in contemporary times due to its diverse…
Understanding surnames in India: A cross-cultural analysis
Abstract: A surname is one of the most common pieces of information that we can use to discern one’s identity. However, in current times, thanks to globalisation, it is quite identifiable that certain marginalised cultures of the world are forced to present their identity to suit the patterns of dominant cultures. This idea is very…