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Category: Economic Sociology

  • David Harvey’s “The Condition of Postmodernity” (1989)

    Modernity and Modernism, from David Harvey’s “ The Condition of Postmodernity ” (1989) Marxist geographer David Harvey can be regarded as one of the earliest theorists of the postmodern condition. Harvey, in his book mentioned above, discusses the postmodern condition with respect to various critical ideas that contributed to the epistemology of the postmodern condition….

  • Social Science: Meaning, Branches, Examples, Scope, Career

    Social science becomes a part of our lives as soon as we enter the sixth standard in our school. We get introduced to social science through the divisions of subjects like History, Geography, and Civics. But this is only the tip of the iceberg, an introductory phase. In reality, the world of Social Science is…

  • American vs Classical Liberalism: Definition, Examples, Thinkers

    Liberalism is considered to be an ideology whereby liberty, equality before law and consent of government and equality before the law. This article mainly focuses on Classical Liberalism and Modern Liberalism and how they are different from one another. Classical Liberalism   Classical Liberalism is considered to be a political Ideology that propagates the concepts…

  • Examining the portrayal of Hyper-Masculinity in Advertisements

    Abstract Gender socialization is heavily influenced by advertising. Hyper-masculinity appears to be prevalent in advertising content geared at men. Because advertising is a socializing agent, this could be damaging. Hyper-masculinity’s acceptance and idealization in advertising, as well as in our culture as a whole, should be questioned. Many young men are currently taught that being a…

  • What is Karl Marx’s Labour Theory of Value?

    In economics, one of the driving theories that are used to explain the many complexities of production and consumption is the theory of value. Many great thinkers of the past have propounded such theories to both problematise and simplify the question of the value of economic products. One such theory is called the Labour Theory…

  • Conceptualising a New Sociology of Pandemics

    ABSTRACT: Over the last year, the entirety of the world was made to come to an unprecedented stand-still. Naturally, plenty of attempts have been made to understand the nuances of this event called the COVID 19 pandemic from the lens and purview of social institutions such as the scientific, technological, medical and public health entities….

  • Liberalism and Neoliberalism: Difference Between Them

    Liberalism refers to neo-classical liberalization which appeared in the works of Locke, Smith and Ricardo. It promoted Laissez-Faire (the French word for “Let one do what they want to”) and emphasized on free markets. Although neoliberalism originates from liberalisation and apparently withholds all its objectives, or has been subjected to several scholarly debates. Both of…