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Category: Sociology of India

  • Dalit Capitalism: A Brief History

    With the advent of globalisation and new economies of desire, when the Indian subcontinent witnessed the process of nation-building and emerging capitalism, caste became a prominent subject of discussion for scholars, historians and activists. Legally and politically, the historically marginalised communities who formed the bulk of Indian proletariats were gradually claiming their spaces and rights….

  • Labor Laws in India: All you need to Know

    The economic history of India relying on agriculture was primarily based on the zamindari system enforcing a labor-employer class hierarchy. Criticized by political philosophers such as Karl Marx the class hierarchy between the bourgeoisie and proletariat is the hurdle to an equal, just and developed society. Labors in India have a history of being deprived…

  • Migration and Caste In India

    India’s caste system is among the world’s oldest forms of surviving social stratification (“What is India’s caste system?”, 2019). The caste system in India has existed for eons now and while some claim caste-based discrimination does not take place anymore, it is very much alive and kicking. Most scholars believe that occupation, survival of tribal…

  • Manusmriti: Everything You Need To Know

    Manusmriti can be literally translated to “reflections of Manu”. It is an ancient text that acted as a code of conduct for human society. This article covers the origin of Manusmriti, the chronology of its books, its role in the caste system, the laws that it provides for women finally its relevance in today’s age….

  • Who is a True Brahmin: Simple insight into Brahmin caste

    This article gives an insight on the brahmin caste with intentions to try to answer questions that have been debated and discussed. Before diving into the Brahmin caste let’s see some of the discussion on how the caste system came to be. There have been many debates on the origin of the caste system which…

  • 6 Major Social Issues in India: Causes and Measures

    India suffers from a host of social issues ranging from poverty to gendered violence. This article covers the concept of social issues and highlights the different experiences of rural and urban sectors. Further, it studies six important social issues namely poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, the caste system, gendered violence and communalism by analyzing their causes and…

  • Analysis of the documentary ‘India Untouched’

    Analysis of the documentary ‘India Untouched’ through the lens of identity and development by bringing in issues related to caste, gender and race. Relationship between caste and development I would in this essay focus upon the link between caste and development in the urban spaces through the documentary, India Untouched. In documentary India Untouched, it…