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Category: Political science

  • Does reservation and equality go hand in hand? Essay 1225 Words

    The Reservation System be it for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Background Classes or women in India have been uniquely formed and also the first in its kind. Babasaheb Ambedkar very well noticed how the “depressed class” were on the verge of assimilation and being recognised as Hindus, drawing them further into their own humiliation….

  • 10 Famous Leftist Writers From India You Should Know

    Leftist writers: ‘The left’ is a broad term that describes a set of politics and ideologies that advocate egalitarianism or state control of the major institutions of political and economic life (Editors of Encyclopedia, 2020). Historically, the divide between left and right can be traced back to the seating arrangements French National Assembly during the…

  • Communitarianism: Definitions, History, Features, Communitarians

    What is Communitarianism? Communitarianism is a socio-political belief that arose in the 20th century which goes on to elaborate that the needs of the community outweigh the needs of the individual. The belief system, norms, and rules of society has to take precedence over the individualistic needs. The concept of communitarianism is starkly in contrast…

  • Caste Discrimination: Gandhi and Dr BR Ambedkar

    The issue of caste has been central to the nation of India. The attempts to highlight the issue perhaps best-found voice in the Constituent Assembly debates where Dr. BR Ambedkar voiced the concerns regarding discrimination and prejudices on the base of caste and ensured during the making of the constitution the ideas of ‘equality’ and…

  • Japan’s Sociocultural Defense against Covid-19

    ABSTRACT Several critical elements in Japan would be a barrier to getting a handle on COVID-19.   Thirty-million people live within 30 miles of Tokyo, and four million people go through Shinjuku Station daily, one of the most densely populated areas in the world.  The population density makes it ripe for this virus to metastasize uncontrollably. …

  • Western Political Thought: 10 Western Political Thinkers

    Western Political Thought: Philosophy has always been defined as the basic questions that a human puts forth in life.  Political philosophy is simply the study of those questions. The below list of political thinkers from the west, have gone a step forward to just asking questions and have influenced people and made them rethink their…

  • Problems faced by SC/ST in India and Their Measures: Essay

    The caste system of India is one of the main historical dimensions which attempts to distinguish and differentiate people on the basis of their religion, sect, occupation, language, and lifestyle. Although the caste system differentiated in each and every Indian society, not incentivizing to give rise to integration among the masses, it apparently overlapped resulting…