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Category: Political Sociology


    Before we dive straight into the relevance of Neo-Marxism in the postmodern world, we need to understand the postmodern world and Neo-Marxism. Hence, we start with some background on the two subjects and then proceed to check for the relevance of Neo-Marxist ideologies in the postmodern world. What is a postmodern world? Though the ideas…

  • Capitalism and Communism: A Comparative Analysis

    Throughout history, various systems have been set to govern societies around the world. Capitalism and communism are the two most analyzed and debated systems that affect the economy and society in very different ways. They are concepts that can be analyzed through a multitude of disciplines. This paper attempts to draw a comparative analysis between…

  • 10 Famous Leftist Writers From India You Should Know

    Leftist writers: ‘The left’ is a broad term that describes a set of politics and ideologies that advocate egalitarianism or state control of the major institutions of political and economic life (Editors of Encyclopedia, 2020). Historically, the divide between left and right can be traced back to the seating arrangements French National Assembly during the…

  • Three Major Sociological Perspectives on War and Society

    Synopsis: War has been an integral part of human civilization as it has significant consequences on individuals, relations and systems in society. The concept of war, strategies and its function as a means of conflict resolution for international disputes have been widely studied under the fields of political science and international relations. However, considering its…

  • Communitarianism: Definitions, History, Features, Communitarians

    What is Communitarianism? Communitarianism is a socio-political belief that arose in the 20th century which goes on to elaborate that the needs of the community outweigh the needs of the individual. The belief system, norms, and rules of society has to take precedence over the individualistic needs. The concept of communitarianism is starkly in contrast…

  • What is Karl Marx’s Labour Theory of Value?

    In economics, one of the driving theories that are used to explain the many complexities of production and consumption is the theory of value. Many great thinkers of the past have propounded such theories to both problematise and simplify the question of the value of economic products. One such theory is called the Labour Theory…

  • Understanding surnames in India: A cross-cultural analysis

    Abstract: A surname is one of the most common pieces of information that we can use to discern one’s identity. However, in current times, thanks to globalisation, it is quite identifiable that certain marginalised cultures of the world are forced to present their identity to suit the patterns of dominant cultures. This idea is very…