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Category: religion

  • Taboo: Meaning, Examples and Types of Taboos

    Taboo, alternatively called tabu, tapu or Tongan. It is a prohibition of social actions based on false beliefs that performing such actions is either too scared, or too dangerous for the human race. Disregarding taboo is generally considered a deviant act by the society. Taboo is putting a person or a thing under temporary or…

  • The True Story Behind ‘Why Did Sri Krishna Have 16108 Wives?’

    It is so common among the Hindus to laugh off and crack jokes on the number of wives Sri Krishna had. Do you the real story behind it? It is so pitying that we have never tried to dig deep into the authentic Bhagavata Purana and know the real story of Shri Krishna’s life. We…

  • Religious minorities in India and the problems faced by them

    Religious minorities The pluralist character of the Indian society is reflected in the multitude of religious communities that inhabit the country. The numerical strengths of some of these communities are more overwhelming than the others. Such communities have been designated as majority religious communities (example: the Hindus). India being a multi-religious country, it becomes an…

  • George Jacob Holyoake Coined the Term Secularism & Overview

    Secularism term was used by George Jacob Holyoake in 1851. Secular is a Latin word in which “Saeculum” means a fixed period of time.  It is related to earthly affair rather than spiritual affairs. Secularism was developed in a religious context for the sake of preserving peace among Christians. In medieval Europe, “the Latin term…

  • Satya shodhak samaj

    Satya shodhak samaj

    Satya shodhak samaj was founded with a purpose to give education to the lower casts. Scheduled caste, scheduled tribes and made them aware of the exploiting tradition of the society. It was founded by Jyotirao Phule in 1873 in Pune. Like every other society this society also imposed a ban on the admission of the…

  • Buddhism: Origin, Beliefs, Origin, Systems, & Practice

    Buddhism: Origin, Beliefs, Origin, Systems, & Practice

    Introduction to BUDDHISM I don’t know what Buddhism really is- a religion? Or preaching! But what I know, is that it’s the art of living life. It’s finding the purpose in your life. It’s not just about existing but, living. And to live is beyond everything. Which is why Buddha asked one to experience and…

  • Elementary forms of Religious Life by Durkheim

    Elementary forms of religious life: The general meaning of the term religion is understood as the belief, faith, rituals and traditions followed by an individual or individuals pertaining to a group or community. In the present modern society, there are many major religions working along with the complexities of social structures that define and project…