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Category: Research Methods

  • Bibliography: How to Write, Types, Format Examples, Tips

    The article explains the essential part played by bibliography in any research or academic work. It explains the significance and importance of a bibliography with the help of examples. Further, it explores different types of formats to write a bibliography along with format examples with tips. Guidelines and tricks are mentioned in the article to…

  • Top 100+ Dissertation Topics Ideas for Assignments, Research

    100+ Interesting Sociology Dissertation Topics for your Research, Essay Writing, Assignments, Thesis: This article portrays the significant role of research in sociology since its inception. It explains the difficulties sociologists and students go through while doing their research. Furthermore, it explains in brief the methodologies and tools used in a social research. The article highlights…

  • Reflexive Sociology (Gouldner): The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology

    TOWARDS A REFLEXIVE SOCIOLOGY- Sociological theory and personal reality in the coming crisis of western sociology There is a difference between the work of Gouldner as a sociologist, there is a convergence of his earlier work and the work which he has done later, for example, his thesis on modern sociology which was on functionalism…

  • How to write a Dissertation: Step by Step Guide with Examples

    When you decide to pursue higher education, at one stage or another, you will come across something called Dissertation. It is an essential part of the completion of many academic degrees. It is work that needs immense hard work, dedication, and persistence. In this article, we will discuss all the various nuances of the Dissertation…

  • Hypothesis: Functions, Problems, Types, Characteristics, Examples

    Basic Elements of the Scientific Method: Hypotheses The Function of the Hypotheses A hypothesis states what one is looking for in an experiment. When facts are assembled, ordered, and seen in a relationship, they build up to become a theory. This theory needs to be deduced for further confirmation of the facts, this formulation of…

  • What is Plagiarism and How to Avoid it: Explained with Examples

    What is Plagiarism? The 19th century English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton gave the world the phrase, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” The world of academia is held firm by this faith. Plagiarism is one of the highest crimes in the world of academics. It holds the power to destroy someone’s credibility and career. Suppose…

  • How to Make a Sociology PowerPoint Presentation (PPT): Examples

    How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation as a student of Sociology In the theoretical world of sociology filled with texts, presentations bring a breath of fresh air in this discipline. Even though theories cannot be left behind, using PowerPoint presentations as a pedagogical tool introduces a new way to look at theoretical concepts. Through this…