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Category: Research papers

  • Sociological Perspectives on Food and Eating

    Food For Thought: Sociological Perspectives on Food and Eating For a long time, food was viewed as no more than a biological requirement. But over time, scholars have discovered that eating is a central aspect of socialization. This article discusses the contributions of five major sociologists and anthropologists to the study of food as a…

  • Are Women Bad Drivers?

    The stereotype that women are worse drivers than men is age-old and still continues in today’s time. But what is the definition of a good driver? Is it someone who drives safely, efficiently or fast? This article discusses the stereotype of women driving badly by looking at statistics from around the world. What The Research…

  • Educational Psychology: Understanding Learning and Teaching

    Educational psychology aims at creating an understanding of how individuals learn and implications for teaching in educational settings. Educational psychology attempts to understand an individual’s development & related factors. To do so, educational psychology offers strategies to enhance the quality of learning and instruction, improve the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process and understand the philosophy…

  • Migration and Caste In India

    India’s caste system is among the world’s oldest forms of surviving social stratification (“What is India’s caste system?”, 2019). The caste system in India has existed for eons now and while some claim caste-based discrimination does not take place anymore, it is very much alive and kicking. Most scholars believe that occupation, survival of tribal…

  • What Is The End Goal Of Sociology?

    I often find myself wondering, what is the end goal of sociology? As an undergraduate student majoring in sociology, I am asked what the ‘point’ of sociology is more often than I would like to admit. I like studying sociology because I find that it has a positive impact on my life and shapes my…

  • Psychology of Gender: A Theoretical Overview

    Psychology of Gender: Psychologists view gender as the “condition of being male, female, or neuter. In a human context, the distinction between gender and sex reflects the usage of these terms. Sex usually refers to the biological aspects of maleness or femaleness, whereas gender implies the psychological, behavioural, social, and cultural aspects of being male…

  • Mulan: A Feminist Icon in Disney’s Princess Franchise

    Mulan: Defying and Changing Notions of Gender in Disney Disney Studios is currently one of the largest companies in the entertainment industry. One of the prominent productions is their animation studio works. Disney has been producing animation since 1937 with its debut animation, Snow White. Snow White has now become part of a long line…