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Category: Short Notes

  • What is Dominant Caste: Factors and Functions

    What is Dominant Caste? In a society where stratification is present at a vast level, there is some certain pattern in which each caste is at some greater position. Dominant means holding superiority in a group by any means. M.N Srinivas has been one of the researchers in the field of dominant caste in any…

  • Definition of incest taboo and its Theories,Overview

    Definition of incest taboo and its Theories,Overview

      Incest is a system of sexual involvement of two people who are closely related to each other. For an example, we can take the family in which a father is indulging in sexual activity with his daughter, moreover a brother and a sister. Society considers it is prohibited activity i.e. society should prefer exogamy,…

  • What is Estate System and Characteristics of Feudalism

    Stratification has existed in our society since the beginning of humankind. Stratification existed mainly in three factors which are Slavery System, Estate System, and Caste System. What is Estate System? The estate system in earlier times was seen as something like feudalism. Now the question arises: what is feudalism. Feudalism was practiced around the 9th…

  • What is Slavery system and various Types

    What is Slavery system and various Types

    Slavery system has seen two major eruptions which gave rise to Conflict theory to have a different view and abolish this kind of system from the society. The two major examples of slavery system are as follows What is Slavery System? Slavery system is highlighting the term Stratification in the society which exists due to…

  • What is Functionalist Theory and Comte’s Three stages

    Society has been seen thoroughly in three views viz. Functionalist Theory, Conflict Theory, and Interactionism Theory. Our society has emerged time to time from different perspective of sociologists. Functionalist Theory was the first theory in the world which was broadly studies and researched by sociologists like Parson, Kingsley Davis, Moore etc. You can guess the…

  • Impact of green revolution and Social Consequences

    Green revolution, the word by itself explains the importance of greenery. The green revolution is started by middle-class peasantry community which had strong love towards the land and trees.  This tradition and process started with a change of generation, change of government, change of ways of administration, change of ways of earning a livelihood, change…

  • Rural Women Education and their Problems in India

    Rural Women Education and their Problems in India

    The literacy rate for women in India is 39% whereas 64% for men with less than 40%of the 330 million women aged seven and above is literate, according to 1991 census which calculates to around 200 million women are illiterate in India. Illiterate women in rural areas show poor nutritional status, high level of fertility,…