Category: Social Issues
What are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations?
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: Sustainable development is defined as the method of development that meets the needs and desires of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs and desires. Sustainable Development is one of the most discussed topics in the present world, as it is the most suitable alternative…
History of Slavery: Here’s The Simple Explanation
Slavery was a condition where a human being is owned by another and is by law, the property of another. Slaves were deprived of all human rights ordinarily held by free individuals. Slaves were not separate legal entities. Thus in most societies, they could not sign contracts or be legally accountable for their actions….
Unemployment: Definition, Types, Causes, Solutions and The Way Ahead
Unemployment is a situation where a person who is capable, qualified and willing to work at the existing wage rate does not get work. Thus two kinds of people are not considered unemployed, those who do not have the capabilities or qualifications required for the job they seek or those who do not wish to…
What are the impacts of globalization in India? Explained
Globalization incorporates a huge impact on various aspects of people’s lives such as culture, social-economic, political, and community life. Ample theoretical studies proved that globalization intervenes in a cultural life of public that raises numerous critical issues (Robertson, 1992). In a broad sense, the term ‘globalization’ means a blend of economies and societies through cross…
Why do we want to share everything on social media?
How many times on average do you check your social media accounts like Facebook? How many times do you come online to check a new update from your favourite celebrity or lifestyle role model? The exact number might be surprising for you. Isn’t it? In this era when we are surrounded by smartphone new technologies…
Family Planning in India: History, Importance , Achievements & Impact
The problem of the rapidly growing population is a major concern in many countries, including India. Hence, many governments all across the world have introduced family planning measures to the exploding population. Family planning refers to having only the desired number of offspring. It also involves limiting the family to a number the family considers…
Farmers’ Suicides in India – Reasons and Solutions
Farmers’ Suicides in India: India is classified as an agrarian country, which means that around 70% of the people residing in the nation are directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture for their survival. Most of the country’s rural areas support a very self-employed approach towards their livelihood; this essentially means that the Indian rural sector…