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Category: Social Issues

  • What is Family institution: Importance and Functions

    Family institution Importance and Functions The functions of a family institution itself tell us how much relevance it has to one’s life and how important they are. The main function of the family is considered as the continuation of the human race which is through giving birth and properly nurturing and caring for the child…

  • Niti Aayog: Summary and All you need to know about it

    NITI  Aayog stands for National Institution for Transforming India. It is a Government of India initiative to replace Planning Commission. NITI Aayog involves inputs from both the central and state governments in policy-making processes. The Prime Minister is the Ex-officio chairman of NITI Aayog. NITI Aayog also consists a governing council. Chief Ministers of all…

  • Dowry Problem: Sociological and Psychological perspectives (Essay)

    Dowry refers to “the money, goods, or estate that a woman brings to her husband or his family in marriage.” Dowry is most common in cultures that are strongly patrilineal and the norm is for the women to reside with or near their husband’s family. It has a long history in Europe, South Asia, Africa,…

  • Religious minorities in India and the problems faced by them

    Religious minorities The pluralist character of the Indian society is reflected in the multitude of religious communities that inhabit the country. The numerical strengths of some of these communities are more overwhelming than the others. Such communities have been designated as majority religious communities (example: the Hindus). India being a multi-religious country, it becomes an…

  • Slums: History, Characteristics, Types, and, Approaches to Slum Problems

    Sociology of Slums: The study of Urban Human Settlements in the Post- Liberalization Era Introduction: The Post- Liberalization era has led to prominent changes in ecology. The world’s population living in cities and towns has grown from 5% to 50% and urbanization has been blamed for this phenomenon. This process of rapid urbanization which started…

  • Secularism : Introduction, Meaning, Examples and Overview

    secularism introduction The early man, curious of the events of nature, was desperate to seek an answer. Curiosity about the natural phenomenon along with the desire to control them drove our ancestors to shelter under the belief of a supernatural power, which gradually evolved to religion. Religion is not merely the belief in God, but…

  • Agrarian Class Structure in India

    Post- Independence, we can say that rural India has structured itself into four classes and that is what becomes a part of the system. If we look at the agricultural field then it has three classes within itself- landowners, tenants and the laborers; while the fourth class being of the non- agriculturalists. The data of…