Category: Social Issues
Rural Women Education and their Problems in India
The literacy rate for women in India is 39% whereas 64% for men with less than 40%of the 330 million women aged seven and above is literate, according to 1991 census which calculates to around 200 million women are illiterate in India. Illiterate women in rural areas show poor nutritional status, high level of fertility,…
Problems of religious minorities – Explained
Was heading for Kashmiri gate to Rithala, as usual, my cell wasn’t charged thus I started my Sherlock game “let’s deduce”. After browsing around, my eyes found its bait, she was a fair looking lady, not much of elite class and neither that poor but well-dressed, with budget-oriented phone and the typical pink earphones. After…
Education is important for Human Progress
Education is fundamental to human progress. It plays a prominent role in the all-around development of the individual as well as society. A large number of books have been written on the importance of education. Education plays a key role in creating patriotic, disciplined and productive manpower. “Education is the movement from…
Pros and Cons of Online classes and Traditional classes
pros and cons of online classes vs traditional classes With education being the need of the hour as far as one’s livelihood goes it is very essential for a curious soul to know which means he/she must use to attain their education so as to maximize not only their future prospects but even the quality…
Social Implications of Intercaste marriages and Conclusion
The caste system is a special type of social stratification found mostly in ancient and modern India’ but elements of it, and even well-developed systems it is found in various parts of the world. The word ‘caste’ is derived from a Latin word caste meaning breed. It is divided into 4 varnas (color) later which…
Motivation Speech for Social Change
Social meaning society, science meaning knowing about the society or our relation with it. We were small cells of the society have a great part to contribute towards it. Many of us usually think about what will society think if i do something which is wrong in the eyes of others. But who are these…
Impact of Modern Science and Technology on Rural Areas
India’s rural demographic has largely been employed in agriculture, with the only changes over the decades being in the efficiency, production, and development of the sector. Gradually, post-independence, two major issues were realized, that Despite a majority of India’s population being engaged in the agriculture sector, there was the low inefficient production of crops, low…