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Category: Social Issues

  • What is Communalism, How to curb it and safeguards

    What is Communalism Communalism is a narrow, divisive and aggressive attitude on the part of a group to the detriment of other groups.They Look upon each other with a sense of suspicion and hatred. Communalism of one variety feeds on communalism of other varieties.Religious orthodoxy and fanaticism provide the ground on which the tendency of communalism stands…

  • Short Notes on Jajmani System

    A very important feature of traditional village life in India is the jajmani system. The Term jajman refers to the patron or recipient of specialized services and the term jajamani refers to the whole relationship. The jajmani system is a system of economic, social and rituals linked with among different caste groups in a village….

  • Child Labour: Types, Reason and Solution

    The future of a nation lies in how it treats the youth population, especially children. Children are considered to be next to almighty and it is such a pleasure to be around them as we get carried away with their innocence. Child labour is not an issue which is restricted only to the Indian Subcontinent,…

  • Surrogancy


    Surrogancy In the sense When a surrogate agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person (s), new relationships are formed. Surrogacy is an arrangement or agreement whereby a woman agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person or persons, who will later become the new-born child’s future parent(s). Surrogate motherhood’s entrance into the public spotlight…

  • What motivates a woman to become a surrogate and its process

    What motivates a woman to become a surrogate and its process

    Surrogate and Family View The year 2016 witnessed several debating policies of the NDA government of which the proposed Surrogacy Bill has become the most controversial. The recent tweet of Karan Johar (on March 6) about his newly born (surrogate) twins became a hotly debated topic in the media as well. Does media and overhyped…

  • Short Notes on Surrogacy

    Short Notes on Surrogacy

    Surrogacy in the sense “Everything works like clockwise. We wake up at 8am, have tea, take our medicines and injections, and go back to sleep. Then we wake up at noon, bathe and eat lunch. We basically rests. That’s what is required of us. We are allowed visitors, but not for the night. In the…

  • French Revolution Summary: Causes and Timeline

    French Revolution Summary: Causes and Timeline

    The French Revolution refers to the chain of events that took place in France and resulted in extensive political, economic, and social changes during the period from 1789 to 1799. The French revolution, known for the revolutionary ideas and protests that resulted in the Monarchy, is a vast topic in the pages of world history….