Category: Social Issues
Domestic Violence : Meaning, Causes and Types
Domestic violence has been greatly neglected by the psychologists and sociologists. The issue came much into the mainstream with the television program called Satyamev Jayate titled” danger at home”. According to a survey done by the Ministry of Health and FamiWelfare, Government of India and the planning commission in 2013 it was revealed at around…
Socio Economic Analysis of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Thoughts
DR.B.R.Ambedkar was among the most outstanding intellectuals of Indian in the 20th century. He is known for his intellect. According to Antonio Gramsci, he is an outstanding example of an organic intellectual, that is, one who represents the interests of an entire social class. Born in a socially backward caste, educated along the lines the…
Poverty : Meaning, Reasons, Factors and Causes
India, as we all know being a country appreciated by all the other countries in the world and moving towards from underdeveloped to developing the country in the world it also experiences an extreme kind of poverty levels. Many might be shocked by hearing the fact and put a question of HOW POVERTY OF THIS…
short note of national integration and meaning
In order to understand National Integration, it is important to know what a nation means in the first place. A Nation is not just only a geographical entity but in addition, it represents the body of people sharing sentiments of. Irrespective of religion, language, creed differences one will wish to be ready to serve the…
What is Cultural Pluralism: Explained with Examples
Cultural Pluralism can be defined as an arrangement in a society where multiple smaller cultures assimilate in mainstream society but also maintain their cultural uniqueness without being homogenised by the dominant culture. The difference in cultural pluralism can be observed between homogeneous societies like Israel, Japan, South Korea which have only one dominant culture and…
Everything You Need to Know about Regionalism Concept
Regionalism is defined as a feeling of loyalty to a particular part of a country and a wish for it to be more politically independent. It is not just a territorial unit but a culmination of socio-economic and political factors. Regionalism can be defined in connotations both positive and negative. Positive regionalism means love towards…
Ambedkar’s Economic Thoughts – Explained
D.R.B.R. AMBEDKAR is an economist of all time, but his economic thoughts have not been read, followed and propagated. He is a multifarious genius but surprisingly his economic thoughts remained unknown even to great personalities. The reasons can be 1. INTELLECTUAL SLAVERY: That means Indians quite often quote foreign authors neglecting the contributions of Indians….