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Category: Sociology Dictionary

  • Weber’s concept of bureaucracy and Characteristics

    Bureaucracy can be explained as the way in which a large number of people who work together are organized or administered. It is the body of non-elective government officials or a group that makes administrative policies. The term is derived from the French word; bureau, meaning desk or office, and the Greek word, Kratos, which…

  • What does Gentrification mean in sociology

    The term gentrification can be used to denote the various changes in the urban neighborhoods which includes economic changes due to the arrival of wealthier people such that rents and property values increase resulting in the displacement of the poor people. This process although leads to various positive changes like reduced crime rates, improvements in…

  • What is Genealogy ? Write a Short note ( Sociology of Kinship )

    Genealogy refers to the record of the history of the family or the tracing of the family’s lineages. It can also be called the study of descent for an individual, or a family constituting the family tree. Oral interviews from informants, historical records, analyzing the genetics, and some other methods are used in order to…

  • What Is the Meaning of Globalization in Sociology?

    Globalization as a process has been quite significant which can be seen as trying to bring closer the regions which were never close before. It is an ongoing process involving the ever-increasing integration in economic, cultural, social and political spheres between nations, states, and even small isolated regions. It is the exchange of cultural values,…

  • What is Goffman’s dramaturgical theory ( Impression Management)?

    Dramaturgical perspective was introduced in sociology in 1959 by Erving Goffman in his book ‘The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life’. Erving Goffman studied the interactions that take place in society at the micro-level. He took this perspective from theatre, he uses theatre as a metaphor to represent how people behave in society and represent…

  • Explanation: what does ‘intersectionality’ mean?

    Intersectionality: There are various forms of social stratification in the society, such as race, class, gender, sexuality, etc. they lead to the creation of inequality in the society by the differential treatment of individuals. We are often used to studying these forms of stratification separately to understand how people are treated in different ways. We…

  • Short Notes on Race and ethnicity and Examples

    Race and ethnicity have been used interchangeably in the past, however the need to define the two has been recognized, in doing so, race has been recognized as the biological segregation of people, based on their skin color and ethnicity has been recognized more in terms of their culture. Ethnicity as a concept is separate…