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Category: Sociology Dictionary

  • What is Ethnocentrism and Examples – Explained

    Ethnocentrism is the practice where we tend to believe that our own culture, ethnic group, race, etc. are superior to others. Such a belief develops out of socialization, which provides us the knowledge of the existence of different cultures, and that of our own, what these cultures entail, what is normal, what is different, what…

  • What is Resource Mobilization Theory

    Social movements have been a big part of history, they have brought about various changes in society. The social movement, Chartism is one we are all aware of, it was the movement for a universal adult franchise or the right for everyone to vote. It took place in England where initially only men owning property…

  • A Short Note on Opportunity structures with Examples

    In every society there are some groups that will be more privileged than the others, this results in the fact that some will automatically have better access to resources than the others. This results in what Richard A Cloward and Llyod B. Ohlin have called the opportunity structure. They gave this theory in their book…

  • A Short Note on Idiographic and Nomothetic approach with Examples

     Idiographic and Nomothetic approach: A subject like sociology requires intense research to be done in order to fin put trends, to be able to compare societies and form case studies for the same. There are various types of studies such as ethnographies- these are extensive field studies that are conducted by researchers to understand and…

  • What is a master status in sociology? What are some examples?

    In Sociology, Master status is the social position which is the primary identifying characteristic of an individual. As a part of the society, we have many statuses attached to us, these may be acquired/ achieved- such as education, economic status, one’s occupational status-or it may be ascribed, something given to us by birth- ethnicity, race,…

  • A Short Note on Scapegoat Theory/ Scapegoating and Examples

    Scapegoating is a social and psychological process by which one shift blame on others, who he may find vulnerable, for his/her problems, failures, misdeeds. The origin of this theory can be found with reference to the bible where the ‘goat’ – an animal- is burdened with all the sins of the human race and is…

  • A Short Note on Polytheism and Examples – Explained

    Theism refers to a belief in a god or any higher power. Polytheism is a type of theism, it refers to a belief in more than one deity or god.  These deities (which are a part of the polytheistic religion) come together to form a Pantheon- which is a group of a particular set of…