Category: Sociology Dictionary
What is Neocolonialism – Explained with Examples
neocolonialism In the era of 15th to 20th-century colonialism, the practice was observed in the world. Colonialism is setting up colonies in developing countries by power and afterwards exploiting them for their benefits. In those time European countries have sought control over many African and Asian countries. What is Neo? For example, India was politically…
Peculium, Cartel, and Perceptions of Sociologists on different matters
PECULIUM In estate system i.e. the feudalism where servants served their masters, a term Peculium was introduced which basically means the lending of some amount of money or property to slaves. It was a hereditary system in which the parent guarantees the power of control to his next generation. CARTEL Cartel term was introduced before…
Forms and Functions- Slavery, Estate and Caste systems
Many sociologists have said in their research work that society has its basic parts, which should work in a set pattern so that social harmony is always at peace. People have their own needs, and they behave in a manner that can be beneficial to every aspect or key element of society. Society is always…
Industrial Sociology: Overview
Industrial Sociology is a relatively young branch of sociology. While Durkheim and Max Weber made some analysis of industrial institutions, industrial sociology as a separate branch got its push due to the famous experiments at Hawthorne Works in Chicago, of the Western Electric Company, conducted by George Elton Mayo and his associates between 1924 and…
Working Class: Meaning & Short Notes
The working class also called a laboring class, is the group of people employed for wages, especially in manual-labor tasks and in skilled, industrial work too. These people are classified under those who earn their bread and butter by selling their skills and labor, which were required at reasonable wages. Due to the fact of…
Minority Groups : Definition, Characteristics, Types, Problems
American sociologist Louis Wirth (1945, p. 347) defined minority groups as “a group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics, are singled out from the others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment, and who therefore regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination”. “All, too, will bear…
Nativism: Definition, Explanation and Examples
Nativism refers to the restoration of a native culture particularly in antithesis to acculturation. The concept of nativism is anti-migrant. According to Myron Weiner nativism is a type of ethnic politics. It is a form of ethnic individuality which tries to dismiss those who are not a part of the regional or native ethnic groups…