Category: Sociology Optional
Understanding our society through Durkheim’s Division of Labour
Emile Durkheim, in his book ‘The Division of Labour in Society’; talks about the relationship between individuals and society and explores the division of labour as a function. The French sociologist observed how society has changed right from the primitive ages to the post-modern world. Published in 1893; the book is responsible for developing various…
Explained: What is a Community in Sociology
Community is a vague term often used in sociology, social sciences in general and even natural and physical sciences. While there is no commonly agreed definition of community, various sociologist have tried to define it in the following way based on certain common features- Talcott Parsons stated that community can be defined as a “collectivity,…
Sociology of Knowledge: What you need to know
The sociology of knowledge is a subfield of sociology which examines the social production of knowledge. It believes that knowledge and knowing are subjective to social positionality in terms of race, nationality, class, culture, gender, etc. It includes the entire field of knowledge, ideas, theories and mentalities to understand how groups and institutions come to…
What is Urbanisation and Urban Problems in India
In the last decade saw more than half the world population becoming urbanised and India is the rate of urbanisation is growing at a rapid rate. Over the last 17 years, the urban population in India has been growing by 5.4% and in the year, 2030 more than 41% of the Indian population is expected…