Calvin is a gifted poet and writer who was one of the top finalists in the Unheard September Poetry Contest 2022. He has contributed his work to books like My Unheard September, The Silver Lining of Heartbreak, and has been part of the Wingless Dreamer community. With many poetry submissions to his credit, Calvin is excited to share his first collection of poetry soon, where he continues to express deep feelings and life experiences through his words.

1. You had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Reserved, Caring, and Humble
2. Can you tell me a little about yourself?
I am from Jefferson City, Missouri and currently reside in Colorado. I am a sports fanatic and music lover of many genres. I have a background in finance with my MBA from the great HBCU Lincoln University in my hometown where I also found my love for poetry. I am continuing to enhance my writing through the trials and tribulations I face in life with more pain and pleasure awaiting as I age.
3. Calvin, Is there a moment when you thought, ‘Wow, I’m really a poet now’? What was it, and how did it change your perspective on your writing?
When new opportunities surface from my networking within the writing community I begin to feel a connection with other writers that makes me feel part of a society that understands me and not judge my uniqueness. I initially felt this during my undergrad courses at Lincoln University when I was first published in the universities annual collection, being part of the writing, selection, and editing team really opened my eyes to the hard work and dedication it takes to become published. Now I am putting together my own collection and writing everyday, and without those courses I do not believe I would be where I am as a writer today so I do thank Mr. Elijah Burrell for that.
4. Do you have a favorite place or time to write your poems? What makes it special for you?
At home with my headphones on, listening to R&B. Sometimes I add a glass of Hennessy or smoke marijuana. This is special to me because I feel comfortable with this concoction of relaxation.
5. Can you share a poem you’ve written that you’re really proud of? What was the inspiration behind it?
Butterflies is one of my personal favorites that is published in Wingless Dreamers Therapeutic Nature anthology. I was inspired by the ugliness you may see from someone until their growth overshadows what you once repulsed and now desire from them. Never change yourself to be loved because what others may hate about you, your soulmate will love.
6. What do you enjoy most about writing poetry? Is it expressing your feelings, playing with words, or something else?
I love the flow of poetry and expression of feelings from various POVs.
7. Who are some poets or writers you admire, and what do you like about their work?
I enjoy Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar, Smokey Robinson, J Cole, Marsha Ambrosius, and Smino. Each of these writers have their own unique sound that is expressed vividly in their writing. I enjoy ready lyrics from my favorite artist for inspiration toward my own work with hopes of one day beginning a career in songwriting.
8. Do you find it easy or challenging to come up with ideas for your poems? How do you get past writer’s block?
I find it easy to come up with ideas because ideas can come from a song, movie, tv show, clouds in the sky from a daily walk or anything that catches one of your five senses. You will not write down a masterpiece every time you write so it is important to save every word you write down because you wrote it down for a reason. Editing is important for a polished piece but deleting enhances the writer’s block as you are searching for that erased memory.
9. How does your poetry reflect who you are or what you believe? Do you see your poems as a way to express your thoughts and feelings?
My poetry provides a reflection of how I love myself and my community. I express my thoughts on relationships, family, politics and many other topics through my lens and no one else’s. That is an important factor no one takes into account when it relates to forms of expression, all art is based solely on what the artist sees from their view and paints on their canvas.
10. Have you shared your poetry with anyone yet? What kind of feedback have you received, and how does it affect your writing?
Yes, I have shared my own collection for publication, submissions of poems for other publisher anthologies, contests and just for a friend to read for feedback. The feedback I receive is honest and constructive, but never discouraging. I have had published poems in one publication that was rejected by multiple publications so never feel like your writing world is over because the feedback is not what you wanted to hear, take criticism and never let it affect your writing negatively.
11. What are your goals as a poet? Do you dream of publishing a book one day, or are you happy writing just for yourself?
My main goal as a poet is to publish multiple collections of my own and not only in other publishers anthologies, but I am grateful for that exposure and acceptance into their collections. I would also love to own a company such as a small bar or coffee shop that allows poets and musicians to express themselves in their community with multiple open mics and educational workshops for the youth in order to keep the art of poetry alive for future generations.
12 . Do you have other writers in the family and friends?
Yes, I come from a creative family with a mix of writers, musicians, and artists/painters. I have also found new friends within the writing community from work or networking whom I have learned a lot about different techniques and ways I can express myself.
13. If someone else wanted to start writing poetry, what advice would you give them?
Be your unique self and to begin writing now, not later.
14. Do you share your poems anywhere online, like a blog or social media? Where can we see your work?
I share my publications and poems on my IG (@1995calshaw) and on my Linktree as well, but I plan on building out a website as my writing continues to expand.
15. If someone wanted to reach out to you for a poetry project or collaboration, what’s the best way for them to get in touch?
I can be reached at my IG account @1995calshaw or email address for any poetry projects or collaborations.
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