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History of the The Militia Movement in the United States

The Militia Movement: This event commonly took place in the United States of America. The members of this group are generally belonging to the paramilitary group.

  • As per their opinion, the individuals who are involved in politics are secretly plotting something dangerous.
  • Therefore, they consider themselves as the defender of the traditional freedom that is prevailing in opposition to the government oppression.
  • The individuals of this group are referred to as militias and the occurrence of Militia movement is a common event in the United States.
  • Familiar events in the past depict that there were fascists movement, “shirt” movements in the mid-1930’s as well as the well-armed rightist’s Minutemen of the early 1960’s.
  • In addition to these, new groups were frequently formed and constantly added in some of the 40 states that had actually banned militia movement.
  • Some of these groups supported the views of fascist or anti-Semitic and some supported racist’s beliefs including one that says that the United States is actually ruled by a Jewish dominated oppressive Zionist Occupational Government commonly called as (the ZOG).
  • Some of these groups gave importance to the neo-Nazi literature like William Pierce’s The Turner Diaries of 1978 that was actually published under the pen name Andrew Macdonald. The whole piece shows how a person who was militant and belonged to the anti-Semitic group took help of violence in order to rule over the world.
  • A few among them took shelter of some strange constitutional doctrines of the Common Law movement that simply did not allow any dominance of the government whose level was above the country.
  • The ones who were the so-called members of the group also believed that the United States government was actually eroding the American liberties through its reluctant acceptance in an international totalitarian regime.