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What is Hermeneutics Theory and Summary

Hermeneutics: Sociology also studies the psychology of an individual. Psychology means the science which studies the mental emotions of an individual. It interprets, analyses, study and then modifies, proposes and then accordingly, brings changes in the culture of the society.

If psychological aspects of the society are not taken into account before making recommendations of such changes which are proposed, they may be in the society huge massacre through violently agitated public may break out, which may or may not possibly be settled or sorted out, without losing any innocent’s life.

Thus,  it is necessary to study an individual’s psychology, regarding different aspects of activities an individual’s emotions are as important as the activity itself is. Therefore the branch within sociology which deals with the human interpretation, human emotions, human thinking is considered as, ”Hermeneutics”. This is a branch which deals with human mental emotions, his psychology, and his behavior; moreover, it is necessarily important to note that it is not the subject which studies with the solution of the human emotional problem as the real psychology does. It is a subject which studies the human behavior as a whole, only to study the nature of a society.

Therefore it is very obvious from the above explanation that what is the need and what is the need of the term and the subject, “Hermeneutics”. So in other words, it is a branch of sociology which deals with the human mental situation, his emotions, collective views and emotions of an individual and also their interpretations. It is very important to note here that it does not deal with an individual’s psychological problem to solve it, such work which is done by the professional psychiatrist, it is a branch which is created to study the psychology of a society so that the proposed changes in the society may be according to there thinking.

The Hermeneutics helps to understand social behavior of an individual towards an event and accordingly event is managed to make it more effective and more popular. The branch studies the historical background and took reference from such cultural context of an individual which had given shape to the individual’s culture.

An early theologian and philosopher, in his written document, have mentioned the broader concept of hermeneutics: broader in such a way that the focus of hermeneutics shall extend beyond the religious text. The name of such a sociologist was Friedrich Schleiermacher Writing was done during the early nineteenth century. He asked a society to view the facts and trends running in society from and beyond religious view.

Schleiermacher proposed a radically different position from earlier traditions of hermeneutics. He emphasized on understanding the text more than learning it. Which latter get support from Wilhelm Dilthey.
